April 20, 2012

Posed Basketball

First of all, I would like to make a weather announcement! Today was sooooooo HOT. It was really nice because I got to wear shorts and yeah.

So, anyways, after work, I tagged along with boyfriend because he was going to play basketball with his guys.  I spent the afternoon taking pictures of them and i got some really cool shots.  Alex looks like he is posing in this one, but in reality, they hardly stopped moving.  I'm really surprised that they aren't all completely blurry.
After basketball, we went and had dinner at Chili's. I had Chicken Fajitas. :]

April 17, 2012

School With A View

This morning, on my way to Biology Lab, I past by this view and I really wanted to take a picture because it was gorgeous! Unfortunately, I had a ton of books and stuff in my arms, so I quickly walked to the classroom (which wasn't very far away), dropped off my books and went back to the view.  It looks nice in the picture, but it was MUCH better in person.